HBC Care

Practical help for people seeking support

We long to see people break out of isolation and loneliness and connect into community groups, form healthy relationships and have easy access to professional Christian support services when in need.
Professional Counselling
The Marriage Course
The Marriage Course
Coach Mentoring Program

We also have support available from our Pastoral Care Team

Prayer Support

If you have a prayer need that you would like to share with our Pastoral Team, click on the button below to let us know how we can be praying for you.

Pastoral Support

Here at HBC, we have Crisis Care, Practical Care, and a Community Connection Team. Please reach out to our Pastoral Care Team if you or someone you know would like some support. We would love to journey with you and be the family God called us to be.


If you would like to get involved, or if you see a need that isn’t being met please contact our Community Connection Coordinator Marion Modra a call. She would love to talk with you!

Marion Modra: 0481 979 113 (available Tuesday to Friday during business hours 9am-5pm)