September 19, 2025 10:00 AM
- June 21, 2025 7:00 AM
Quiet Place Retreat | SEPTEMBER 19th-21st (2 DAY)
LOCATION: Sevenhill Main Retreat Centre, College Road, Sevenhil.
Hills Baptist Church recognizes the importance of taking time to stop and ‘be still and know that God is God’ (Psalm 46:10) and to listen to what he is saying (Mark 1:35).
Jesus modelled a habit of drawing aside in solitude to commune with his Heavenly Father and to rest. He encourages us as his disciples to do the same. (Mattew 14:23; Mark 6:46-47; John 6:15)
In Mark 6:31 Jesus says, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place…”
This is Jesus invitation to you, both as a daily rhythm, and for significant spaces of time.
The purpose of this 2 day weekend is to step out of the busyness of life and have space and time away from daily distractions to experience afresh God’s loving presence. This retreat is an opportunity to listen to your heavenly father and deepen your relationship with Him as you allow the Holy Spirit to minister in times of silence and solitude and in community together.
Some resources and direction will be provided to help you on your journey
COST: $350 (Includes accommodation, meals and retreat costs)
LOCATION: Sevenhill Main Retreat Centre (College Road, Sevenhill)
(Arrive from 3:30 pm. Opportunity for drinks and 6:00 pm dinner at Sevenhill pub before start of retreat - cost not included)
FACILITATORS: Mark Finlay, Chris Longdon and Robin Carter
*If you would really like to come but are struggling financially please still register your details using the discount code (RSVP) and one of our organisers will be in touch with you.