Hills Youth

Mate! Welcome to Hills Youth!

Hills Youth is fun, relevant and life changing. Our mission is to bring young people to Christ and equip them to be passionate disciples who love God, love people and boldly share their faith across the Adelaide Hills and beyond.

At Hills Youth, the priority is for our young people to find their identity in Christ. We know, when this happens in a teenager’s life, it changes everything. High school isn’t easy but as a leadership team we have the greatest opportunity to speak truth into these young people’s lives and journey alongside them.

"For WE ARE HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Ephesians 2:10

Yo, what time is Youth?

6:45PM – 9:15PM. Every Friday night of the school term, for Years 7-12 (prettttty awesome, right!?).

Umm ... where do I go?

Gr8 question! We meet at Hills Christian Community School Gym (here’s the addy: 14/16 Onkaparinga Valley Road, Verdun).

What does Friday look like? More deets plz.

At Hills Youth we have young people from over 15 schools from the Hills and city and youth from church and non-churched backgrounds.

All young people are welcome!

On our normal Friday nights, we set up the gym with a variety of fun activities, worship together and have a short gospel-centred message, followed by small groups. A couple of times a term, we have different event-style nights and often hop on buses for these. We have a committed, child-safe, trained volunteer team of 25 leaders, and we have around 80 youth each Friday.

Be a part of Hills Youth at HBC

Keen to know some more info about Hills Youth? We’ve got you! Contact our Youth Pastor, Ben Peters (his email address is ben.peters@hillsbaptist.com), or give us a call and our staff will point you in the right direction.