

We were created for fellowship with God, Father-Son-Spirit. God has given us a very precious way to participate in that fellowship by praying. In praying, we come to know God better, ourselves better, and each other better. We also submit ourselves to His will rather than our own, and express our absolute dependence upon Him for everything.

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 • The Bible (NLT)

Prayer is like breathing for us as believers in Jesus Christ, so it is not optional for the health of our faith in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. With this in mind, we encourage each other to participate in praying for each other, as we outline here. 

With such a large and growing congregation and a heart to love and care well for people, our heart as a community is that our first and most effective response is to bring our needs to God. It is such a privilege to bring our leaders and church family to the One who loves and knows our needs better than we do.

Within each congregation, we have intercessory prayer teams with a passion to pray for our community on a personal, local and global scale.

Heart To Be Prayerful

The teams have a heart to be prayerful, knowing that it's nothing of our greatness that makes prayer effective but the greatness of the God we pray to. How blessed we are that He hears us and allows us to bring each other before Him in prayer.

Healing Prayer

We have a healing prayer team who will also meet with individuals to pray specifically for the deeper issues in their lives.

Responsibility To Carry Others Prayer Needs

We have a responsibility to carry each others prayer needs to our Heavenly Father in a confidential manner that honours the person(s) making requests.


If you have a prayer request, or want someone to pray with you about a specific situation or need, we’d love to hear from you.